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Tibetan Sound Massage

  • 1 hour 10 minutes
  • 50 euros
  • Location 1

Service Description

Find the silence and inner-peace by sounds and vibration! Amazing sound massage by the tibetan Peter Hess® Therapeutic Singing Bowls. "The sound of the singing bowl touches our innermost soul and brings it into vibration. The sound breaks tension, mobilizes self healing forces, and sets free creative energies.”- Peter Hess The  Peter Hess® sound massage is a complete experience of relaxation with special singing bowls played on the clothed/ covered body. You just lie comfortably on a mat, while the therapy-quality bowls are placed on your body and will be strucked gently by felt mallets. You will hear calming tones and you will also feel gentle vibrations in your whole body. This sound permanently creates resonance inside the body. The focus turns from the exterior impulses to interior, because of the sensation of the sound and the resonance.  The gentle vibrations and sounds created induce a feeling of relaxation and well-being. The vibration can correct your balance and provide feeling of inner strength, harmony and energy. If you have a physical, mental and psychological problem, sound massage can provide relief from stress, anxiety and pain. While you are resting, your body and mind enters into a space of deep relaxation. After the special massage session, you may feel more relaxed than ever before. I love sound massage because it • ​feels calm and pleasant, • harmonizes the body and mind via sound and vibration, • helps to rebuild our sense of safety and security, • provides space to let go off what no longer serves us, • removes tension and blockages, • raises a pleasant tingling sensation, • increases positivity & creativity • and it supports many other therapies as well. Sound massage is not recommended to whom are living with pacemakers or has a tendency to have epileptic seizures. If you are pregnant, the sound massage is recommended from the 3rd month of pregnancy.

Contact Details

  • Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

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